The Internet of Things (IoT) is coming and bringing a tsunami of data with it. Is your infrastructure ready to ride the wave - or will it go under?

The Internet of Things brings together three unstoppable trends: Mobility, automation, and a endless thirst for data. The promise of a universe of connected devices automatically feeding business systems with data-driven insights is limitless. The IoT will keep companies informed about everything – from how customers are using products to when a piece of vital equipment needs replacing.

What does an IoT-enabled future look like?

  • IoT capabilities will be embedded in everything from aircraft engines to toothbrushes
  • Enterprise IT security will become more complex and have to adjust to an expanding universe of devices with no user profiles to draw upon
  • Consumer and industrial IoT technologies will drive early IoT value, but it will rapidly expand to every industry sector causing substantial business transformation

What is IoT?

The growing universe of internet-connected devices, otherwise known as the Internet of Things, has the potential to transform business in significant ways. From automatically monitoring and managing equipment and physical environments to identifying needed products or business processes that might never have become apparent, IoT promises to make businesses smarter, and thus better at what they do.

The Internet of Things is getting a lot of well deserved attention as physical objects become digital objects. The business opportunities are as significant as they are disruptive, driving new business models, ecosystems and risks.

Gartner asks
“Why IoT Now?”

The value of the Internet of Things extends beyond connected devices, says Gartner      
Explores the
distribution of IoT value

What is the potential economic impact of IoT?
Industrial Internet of Things
from PwC

Not just a new technology, but a new business blueprint                                  

What does IoT mean for networks?

“IT needs to make sure that the IoT strategy is really end-to-end…all types of IT infrastructure, including the compute function, the datacenter, and big data/analytics. The connectivity is just as vital, however, because the network provides that end-to-end capability from the sensor all the way to the back office.”

Businesses already capitalizing on the Internet of Things are experiencing unprecedented data flows. However, that's just the tip of the iceberg. There are a myriad of considerations, from decisions about where IoT traffic will run and how it will be routed, to the need to establish device profiles for authentication. Enterprises will need to adapt traditional network designs to meet these challenges. Unlocking the full potential business value of IoT will require new levels of network intelligence, automation and security.

Recommended reading:

Enterprise Network Infrastructure: A critical element for successful IoT adoption
Capturing the value of the Internet of Things means rethinking traditional network designs and architectures. IDC Network Infrastructure Research vice president Rohit Mehra explains why IT infrastructure should be at the forefront of a CIO mind’s when planning an IoT strategy.

What do business leaders need to consider?

  • CEOs: The IoT has the potential to increase efficiency, improve customer service, and contribute to the bottom line.
  • CFOs: The IoT is a two-headed beast. It is likely to reduce costs in the supply chain, however it also requires significant investment to get it right.
  • CIOs: The flood of data is about to get considerably larger, and the need to collect, analyze and act on that data will mushroom. Emerging big data technologies will figure prominently.
  • CISOs: Having to account for a such a large, and largely uncontrolled universe of devices necessitates taking a hard look at network security strategies.
  • Business Line managers: The vast numbers of IoT systems popping up can substantially help you improve productivity, efficiency and also create new innovative customer services.
  • Employees: The IoT stands to greatly increase productivity by making actionable data more readily available, enabling remote responses to operational issues.
